Nathalie Croix

Crystals Are Magical And Healing

Every Crystal Is Unique

Every Aghora Crystal goes through a magical process before making it's way to you.

I am honored that I get to spend some time with your very unique special being.

Every Aghora crystal cleanses with : *Rainbow Reiki  - *Selenite Crystals  - * Sage - *Full Moon - * Running Water - *Sea Salt / Water Bath - *Sun - * Paulo Santo - *Meditations - *Mantras - and daily love for an extended period of time. 

The appropriate cleanse is done on an individual basis for each crystal depending on it's need and crystal properties. 

Although we only offer a handful designs - each crystal is an individual piece.

Yours is the only one like it. 

They each have their own aesthetics and life force.

I collect the crystals from various sources:  from  trips to much exploration through our community and connections with friends who are also passionate about crystals. 

Because of our extensive process of creating our pieces - we have only a handful limited number of crystals available for release. I only release a crystal once I feel they are fully ready to take on a new adventure, and this is determined on a case to case basis.


Wake Up Every Day In Gratitude

Raise The Vibration Of Our Beautiful Planet

Hang Out With Crystals

Spread Love ~ 
